Idea original:
The client, a regional federation in the metal sector, notices that the metal industry, mainly made of micro- SMEs faces difficulties to adapt its practices to the new environmental regulations made at european level.
It wishes to develop a training to solve this question, providing practical solutions, especially for what concerns the waste management, in order to better the behaviours and the image of the metal industry which is nowdays considered as a very contaminating sector.
SoluciĆ³n planteada:
FundaciĆ³n Equipo Humano, on the basis of these requirements, propose to the client to develop a European project, cofinanced by the European Commission, and developed together with other partners from 4 European Countries: Poland, France, Germany and UK, sharing the same interest for the topic.
A full work plan was developed including the creation of a new Qualification Standard addressed to train a new professional, called GreenPoint, and whose function is the implementation of environmental friendly working processes in the enterprise. This training, in 5 languages, is fully accessible from the Internet. Also, partners are creating training materials such as posters or playing cart in a toolbox to support the worker in its daily taks and in its funcion of sensibilisation inside the enterprise.
A certificate and a label will allow the identification of the entreprises applying the acquired good practices.